Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Rain, Rain Go Away

So it has been raining here for the past 3 days and I'm starting to get depressed. This is why the winter time is always a drag because you don't get the sunshine and hustle and bustle outdoors. Everything is alive and people are generally happier. Now we're going back to stuck indoors and gloomy moods. But we always can't be downers about the situation so a positive outlook is the rain was needed. The pollen levels were up and we can always use a little extra rain for the grass and plants. Plus - softball season starts next week! The fields need some shaping up so the rain will be good then we can have our Potomac landscapers come in and give it a nice mow before the first game. Okay now I'm feeling better, stay tuned for some softball stories during the season.

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