Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Landscaping Tips

As the weather continues to get colder and we move farther into fall, it's important to keep thinking about landscaping. Thankfully, a Burke VA landscape design service has provided us with some helpful tips to keep in mind this fall and winter. 

Apply mulch. Mulch around your trees and gardens to help conserve moisture and regulate soil temperature. This will promote improved root growth and overall better health. Mulch can also create an edge between your foliage and the grass, which will add an extra visual design element to your landscape.

Don’t forget to water. Your lawn should be watered year round - even in the colder months! If you step on the grass and notice it does not spring back up, turn on the sprinkler!

Know when to prune. Now that most if not all of the leaves have fallen from your tree, you should more easily be able to see branches or spots that need pruning. While minor maintenance to your trees and shrubs is okay year round, remember that the best time of year for major pruning is dependent on each species’ specific grow season.

If you have any questions about your lawn or landscape, don't hesitate to reach out to an expert in landscape maintenance in Charlotte NC.

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