Thursday, September 21, 2017

When to Treat Your Lawn with Granules

Tired of insects ruining the serenity of your lawn? Some insects are good for your lawn and garden, like bumble bees and worms. However, other insects (like fire ants, grubs, or crickets) can be quite pesky. A simple solution to ridding your lawn of them for good is to apply granules. Granules are made of grains that contain chemicals that attack insects' nervous systems and kill them quickly. They also control future populations from inhabiting your space.

Professionals in lawn insect control in Pensacola FL can help apply the product to your lawn. They'll also know which time of year is best to control the insect that's bothering you the most, depending on their seasonal activities. The time of day of the application is important as well. Cooler times of day--like early morning and evening--are when insects feed. This is the best time to apply the product. Make sure to consult your local

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